Cole Krahn

Hi, my name is Cole Krahn. I am a missionary in Sonora, Mexico at Ancla de Amor children’s home. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and how I got here. My parents moved to Mexico when I was 6 or 7 years old. They ended up starting Ancla de Amor and I grew up in the orphanage scene. For me, this had many challenges when I was younger. When I was the ages 12/14 I really struggled and honestly, it was because I didn’t understand why my parents had to do what they did. This line of work can take 100% of your energy and I just didn’t understand what they were doing and why they did it. But as I grew older, I began to understand, and I wanted to help. I realized that I was being selfish and what my parents were doing is incredible. When I turned 16 I finished high school and I started working full time at Ancla. For the next two and a half years having been given the privilege to serve, they were the best few years of my life, I fell in love with Ancla, and I was willing to help in any way possible and any time. I ended having some paperwork problems, so I decided to go back to Canada to figure out those problems and also to find out the direction God wanted me to go. If returning to Ancla, was it my calling, or if it was just the only thing I had ever known? So, I went to Canada and started working and did my paperwork and things were going well at work I was doing well. Shortly after arriving in Canada, I felt like I was missing something. I ignored it at first, but I prayed every day for God to lead me to where He wanted me to be. And as time passed the feeling of me missing something just got stronger. I was struggling with just working to put more and more money in the bank.  God had opened some doors for me to come back for a 6-month term.  It was absolutely amazing when I got back to Ancla, I could see the way God has worked here even more than when I left the first time. It is incredible. The void that I had or whatever I was missing was filled. I have committed to being a full-time missionary. I have no plans of leaving. My job description would be a yard foreman. I take care of all the maintenance and all the materials and etc. as well as a chauffeur.

I want to thank you all for your support and may God bless you!