Brian & Clarissa Krahn

Serving at Ancla de Amor.

We are originally from Winkler, Manitoba and are currently living in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. God has gifted us with 3 children: Cole, Mason and Leah.

Clarissa and I were married in 2001 and were members of Winkler Mennonite Brethren Church. We had all the comforts that is expected in our Canadian culture, yet we wrestled with being content. We searched but did not find contentment until it dawned on us that what we were looking for could not be found where we were looking. What I (Brian) came to realize was that I confused contentment with finding my purpose. The emptiness I felt was not from a lack of material items, it was a lack of God in my life. How could that be? I found all this a little confusing as I knew I was a Christian because I accepted the Lord a long time ago. If the Holy Spirit is alive in me why do I feel so uncomfortable and empty? God showed me a verse written by Paul. Paul writes to the believers and offers an invitation,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.” Romans 12:1
After understanding this verse it all made sense. Paul urges us to surrender our lives to the Lord as living sacrifices. I thought the deal was complete after I accepted Christ as my Saviour, which it was, but God also brings us to a point in our lives where we can choose to surrender our lives to Him. After giving the Lord all my dreams, desires and ambitions God opened the door for us to move to Mexico.

Our journey in full time ministry began in 2010 after God gave both Clarissa and I a conviction to work with children living in difficult situations. After a number of years in prayer and discernment God led our family to the community of San Carlos, a small snowbird community outside of the city of Guaymas. For a year and a half we worked with a small feeding program for children in the city of Guaymas. We helped look after the physical needs of the children as well as their spiritual needs. The program included opportunities for the children to hear the Word of God, to sing, have classes, and eat a hot meal. We were tremendously blessed to work along side the Pastor’s family for they taught us so much about sacrificial living. This family truly loved their community and God was shining through them as they ministered to the children.

God used this ministry as an introduction to Mexico for us. He exposed us to many of the needs here in Guaymas and also showed us the many different people and resources that were available. Eventually God laid it on our hearts to open a facility that would care for orphaned and abandoned children. Almost 2 years later “Ministerios Ancla de Amor” (Anchor of Love) was born. We are excited for the future and the work that God has called us to. Today, I can tell you with complete peace and confidence that there is no void in my life that needs to be filled. We have complete peace that we are where God wants us to be. It’s our desire to create a home of peace and comfort, shelter and security in times of storm. A place where children can come and be loved, educated, raised up, but most importantly, with the help from the power of the Holy Spirit come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

My prayer is that someday we will have an army of “living sacrifices”.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story. I trust that our journey may be a blessing to you.